Open list

Last name First name Institution Job title  
Abdul Raheem Faiz University of Canterbury PhD Candidate
Abdulatova Nilyufar University of Hamburg PhD
Abrahams Darren Steptoe & Johnson LLP Partner
Ågren Åsa Department of Law, Karlstad University PhD candidate in jurisprudence
Aguilera-Bravo Mario G. Georg-August-University Goettingen Doctoral Candidate (Ph.D.)
Airaksinen Jussi University of Eastern Finland Doctoral researcher
Akshalova Roza L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian national university PhD student
Ala-Lahti Tellervo University of Helsinki Doctoral Candidate
Alblas Edwin University of Groningen, Department of Energy Law & Sustainability Postdoctoral researcher
Alekseeva Nadezhda Russian State Univercity of Justice deputy head of the Department? Senior Lecturer